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If you ask google “What is Hypnotherapy?” you’ll find this definition:

Hypnotherapy is a type of mind–body intervention in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility in the treatment of a medical or psychological disorder or concern. Popularized by 17th and 18th century psychologists such as James Braid and Milton H. Erickson.

To me, that definition does not give much clarity into what the process looks like or even how it can benefit people without medical or psychological disorders!

Hypnosis is an induced state that can relax and open the mind.

Using verbal repetition and mental images, we can access the automatic programming that prevents us from experiencing our highest self and living out our dreams.

It is nothing like what you may have seen some “hypnosis” performers doing on stage, making people do funny things.

During my sessions, you are fully aware of and are entirely in control of what happens.

It allows you to access and alter information within your conscious and unconscious mind. Quickly and effortlessly transforming years of programming.

Pause for a second…

Imagine what your life would be like if the fear holding you back was gone.

Would you be working a different job? Living in a different place? Would you feel relaxed and free in your body? What does that life feel like to you?

Now, hold onto those feelings for a moment.

Would you say those feelings of liberation are worth working through your pain?

Did you feel a shift?

Imagine what a hour of that could do for you.


"Sari is amazingly talented."

I was not expecting to have such a dramatic shift, after a short and last minute session with Sari. She did a beautiful reframe for me around mindset.

It dawned on me a couple of days ago that I’ve been doing really well keeping up with my practices, then Sari asked if I had noticed any shifts since our recent session …. and I was like ohhhhhhhh SHIT!

I was listening to the recorded guided session, about 2-3 times afterwards, to really make sure that I drill it in, and it seems to be working!!!

This is super exciting. If you have any questions about hypnotherapy REACH OUT TO SARI, she’s amazingly talented and has a lot of knowledge in various healing modalities.”

— Sam Schaubur

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